Saturday, March 6, 2010

My Blog List

I just wanted to let everyone know that just because I read a particular blog and place them on "My Blog List" dose not necessarily mean that I endorse everything that is posted on it. I believe that if we can deal with specific issues that are expressed on these blogs by shining the light of scripture on them perhaps we can learn to at least treat one another in a Christian manner.

I must admit that I am disturbed at the apparent animosity against full time pastors on some of these blogs. The fact is that the scripture clearly teaches that people that have dedicated themselves to full time service are to be supported by the body of believers. This is what God says in His scriptures.

I invite your comments on this, but please bring the Bible to bear on the subject and don't make arbitrary statements like:"Paul preached for free", back it up with the scripture.

1 comment:

Jon L. Estes said...


Wow, you are taking a verbal beating for disagreeing with the crowd at the blog from FL you frequent. I am sorry to be reading it but as a former poster there who was always on the other side of the fence there, you are in my prayers.

I finally got to the point that I did not believe anything spiritually healthy, for me, was coming from dialogging there. Too much of scripture was being discarded to satisfy the points many wanted to make.

Not telling you to stay away, for I still read it but know I pray for your spirit not to be quenched by the rhetoric.

Jon L. Estes